What my clients say...

"As soon as I met Laura her kind and calm manner almost inmmediately put me at ease. She always took the time to help and give support no matter how many times you would ask. She always seemed to know the right thing to do and say. She helped us to give Joseph his first bath which has left a special memory in boths my husband's and my minds. She took time to visit me and Joseph and continue to support me in my journey. I just cannot express in words enough the positive impact Laura has had on me and my husband becoming first time parents. She is a passionate, caring and kind person who has something special to give that not many others have. Laura has left a lasting impression on our family.
Catherine, Joseph's mum

"I am a foreigner in this country, and two years ago I became mother for the first time. We decided to become parets even though Covid was around and I couln't fly to the comfort of my own language, country and family. During the final part of the pregnancy I was extremely lucky, and my husband was allowed to be with me during the c-section procedure. In those moments of fear, uncertainty and nerves I met Laura. She was a friend of a friend and havent had the chance to meet her before my son was already with me. She came to my bed to visit us, and the side effects of the anaesthesia was giving me a hard time, and she stepped in and took control of the situation. Immediately we connected and she knew exactly how to help me and reassured me on that moment of your life when everything is upside down. She was pregnant herself and only afterwards I got to know her journey and part of her life. She showed me not only her amazing professional side, but also her impressive and brave human side. She is not gonna leave you indifferent, her smile, knowledge and compassion makes her a unique person"
Monica Julia, Tomas' mum

After having an unexpected labor, including induction, emergency c-section and a fever, I woke up the following morning in the postnatal ward being greeted by Laura, the midwife in charge of my care that day. She was like a ray of sunshine after a long and dark night. She asked me few questions about my well-being and about my son Sebastian, which she adored from the moment she saw him. She showed my husband how to change a nappy and helped me get Sebastian latched onto my breast, despite taking a while she never lost her patience! I asked her a million silly questions, which were answered gracefully. I had to spend more time in the hospital that I wanted and having Laura with me was the highlight of my stay, I even offered taking her home with me!
Angeles, Sebastian's mum